Sato Shiori 6th September 2017 “I love everyone. That’s all i want to say”

  Okada Nana      
Translation & QC ft. Varianth


こんばんはーー! // Good evening!

佐藤詩織です! // Sato Shiori here!

自撮りで撮るのニガテマンだから、// Because i’m bad at taking selfie,
おだなに今日自撮り風撮ってもらった!笑 // I asked Oda Nani* to take a ‘selfie-like’ picture for me! (laughs)
*Typo on Shiichan’s part. It supposed to be ‘Nana’

皆さん、変わらず元気ですか〜? // Everyone, are you fine are always~?

何してるのー? // What are you doing right now?

最近ね、すごく感じるの。// Lately, i’ve been feeling it a lot more.

ツアー終わってから尚更。// Even more so after the tour.

やっぱり、わたし、メンバーみんなが好きすぎる。// As i thought, i love the members too much.

本当に出逢えてよかった! // I’m really glad that i meet them!

ふーちゃんのブログ感動したから、みんな見てね!! // Fuuchan blog really moved me, everyone please read it!

改めて、LIVE、大好きだなーって // Once again, i fall in love with live.

私たちの目標って、まだまだあるから、どんどんどんどん素敵なLIVEを目指していきたい。// Our goal is still far from our reach, i want to steadily increase the quality of our live.

ツアーを終えて、みんなとまた何だか深まったから、すごく楽しい。// After the end of the tour, somehow our relations have become deeper, it was really fun.

メンバーの笑ってる顔が好き。// I like members smiling faces

くだらないことやってるみんなが好き。// I like watching them doing stupid things

みんなが笑顔なら、幸せなら、わたしは何でもいい。// As long as everyone is smiling, as long as everyone is happy, anything can happen to me.

最近すごく思います。// Recently i’ve been thinking like that.

完全に考え方、おば。// I thought that i’m thinking like an auntie

タイトル通り、みんなが好き。ただそれだけです。笑 // Like what the title says, i love everyone. That’s all i want to say (laughs)

やっと見つけた私の居場所だな。欅坂46。// I finally found where i belong, Keyakizaka46

すべてを注ぎたいって思える大事な場所。// It’s an important place where I can devote my everything into.

すべてにありがとう。// Thank you for everything

佐藤詩織 // Sato Shiori


Thanks for reading Sato Shiori 6th September 2017 “I love everyone. That’s all i want to say”

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