The destiny that cannot be changed must be carried from now on. But the future can be changed many times over ☆彡 (Kobayashi Yui 13th August 2018 blog)

  Okada Nana      
いつもより言葉がまとまらないので // Because i feel like my words are scattered all over the place
読みづらいと思いますが // It might be hard to read
温かい目で見ていただけたらな、、と。// I wish that you can read it with care

小林由依です // It's Kobayashi Yui

こんにちは // Hello

メンバーの今泉佑唯が、// Imaizumi Yui
グループからの卒業を発表しました // announced her graduation from the group.

何日か考え、ずーみんに自分の気持ちを伝えて // I took several days to think, i expressed my feelings to Zuumin
ずーみんからも気持ちを聞くことができ、// and i listen to what Zuumin feels,
少しずつ重かった心が軽くなりました // and by doing so, little by little, my heart becomes lighter

今は、// Now
ずーみんが自分で決断して次に進もうとしているので // That Zuumin has decided on her own to move forward on to the next step
それを全力で応援したい気持ちでいっぱいです // I want to give her my full support

歌声、現場での振る舞い、本当に尊敬できる人だし // Her singing voice, her actions in the location, she is truly someone i respected
そんな人が自分の隣にいてくれたことで // Because someone like her is next to me,
自分も頑張ろうと思えました // I feel like i can do my best as well

本当に、出会えて良かったです // I'm really glad to meet you

最後に、ゆいちゃんずを愛してくださった皆様、 // Then, to the people who loves Yuichanzu,
ずーみんもゆいちゃんずが大好きだと言ってくれました // Zuumin told me that she also love Yuichanzu
私もゆいちゃんずとして皆様に歌を届けることができ、// I, too, is very glad
本当に良かっです // that i could perform songs to everyone as Yuichanzu
これからもゆいちゃんずの曲を愛していてください // From now on, please continue to love Yuichanzu songs

ありがとう! // Thank you!

see you again ⊿⊿

Thanks for reading The destiny that cannot be changed must be carried from now on. But the future can be changed many times over ☆彡 (Kobayashi Yui 13th August 2018 blog)

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