The Story of Snack Mao Episode 3 (Miyata Manamo Blog 10th August 2018)

  Okada Nana      
ブログ開いていただいてありがとうございます // Thanks for taking a look at my blog.

スナック眞緒配信週間、// Thanks a lot for watching
たくさんのご視聴ありがとうございます! // Snack Mao’s Streaming Week!

予約客(ゲスト)もたくさん来ていただいて // We have many customers (guests) making reservations
毎度楽しい時間を過ごしております。// so it was fun every time
本日もよろしくお願いしますね!!! // Please take care of us today too!

さて、本日は第二金曜日。// Well then, today is the 2nd Friday of the month so
スナック眞緒物語のお時間です🕑 // It’s time for Snack Mao’s Story


カランコロン。// *sounds of a bell signaling that the door has been opened*

「あら、いらっしゃい。」// "Ara, welcome"

お店のドアのべルが鳴り、スナック眞緒の店内に眞緒ママの甲高い声が響く。// When the bell of the shop rings, the high pitched voice from Mao Mama of Snack Mao echoes inside.

「ここは?」// “What is this place?”

バイトのまなもに促されるようにしてカウンター席に座った50代くらいの男性は、店内をぐるりと見回して戸惑ったように尋ねた。// The man in his 50s looked around the store with a bewildered expression as he was ushered towards a seat at the edge of the counter by the part timer Manamo.

「あら、看板見なかったの?私の遊び場、スナック眞緒よ。」// “Ara, did you not see the signboard? This is my playground, Snack Mao”

眞緒ママが歌うように言うと、バイトのまなもがするりとお通しの枝豆と(バイトが作った)ママ特製スムージーを差し出して尋ねる。// As Mao Mama said that with a singing like tune, the part timer Manamo slid an appetizer plate of edamame and Mama’s special smoothie (made by the part timer) toward him before asking

「あまりスナックには来られませんか?…それともスナックが昼間にも開いているのが不思議、とか?」// “Do you rarely visit this kind of establishment?... Or do you find it strange that this sort of place is open during the day?”

「それもあるのですが…何故自分がここに来たのかがわからないのです。普段は気にも留めていなかったお店なのに気がついたらここに入ろうと思っていて…。」// “That’s part of it… But i don’t know why i came here. This is not the kind of establishment i usually care about, and yet before i noticed i had already thought of entering…”

うまく説明できずに男性は口ごもる。// The man was unable to explain.

「それは、貴方に悩みがあるからよ!なんでも話して!」// “That’s because you are troubled about something! You’re welcome to tell us anything!”

眞緒ママは自信たっぷりに頷いた。その眞緒ママの笑顔につられて男性は口を開く。// Mao Mama nodded, full of confidence. The man was taken by her smile, and started talking.

「…実は、妻と上手く話せないのです。早期退職をして家にいる時間が長くなったのに妻との会話は今まで通り。何を話したら良いかわからなくて。2人ともお酒は飲まないし、きっかけも何もなくて。」// “... The truth is, i’m unable to speak well with my wife. Even though i took an early retirement so i could spend more time at home, my conversations with my wife are still the same as before. We don’t know what to talk about. Neither of us doesn’t drink, so there aren’t any chances to start a conversation.”

眞緒ママは少し考えてから、パッと表情を明るくした。// Mao Mama thought for a while, then her face got brighter.

「そうだわ!明日のお昼、奥さんと一緒にうちにデートしにいらっしゃいよ!私たちに任せてくれればきっと上手く行くわ。ね、まなも?」// “Well then! Please come over with your wife at lunch tomorrow for a date! If you leave it to us, i’m sure everything will turn out great. Right, Manamo?”

「はい。信じられないし本当に胡散臭いかもしれないんですけど、うちのママはすごいんですよ!」// “Yes. I want you to believe in us. Although Mama looks undependable, she’s actually amazing!”

バイトのまなももにっこりとして肯定する。その笑顔には眞緒ママへの信頼が見え、男性は半信半疑ながらも // Part timer Manamo reaffirms with a smile. Although the man was not entirely confident about it, he could see her trust in Mama from that smile.

「わかりました。」// “I understand”

と頷いたのだった。// The man said with a nod

次の日。// The next day

指定された時間に男性とその妻がスナック眞緒を訪れた。// The man and his wife came by the store at the designated time.

カランコロン。// *sounds of a bell signaling that the door has been opened*

「あら、いらっしゃい。」// "Ara, welcome"

変わらず眞緒ママの甲高い声で出迎えられる。バイトのまなもに案内されたカウンター席には赤い一輪挿しに水色のツユクサが挿してあった。2人が席に座るとすぐ // They are met by the usual shrill call from Mao Mama. Part timer Manamo led them to a counter seat decorated with a light blue dayflower. As soon as the two of them sat down,

「まなもの料理が終わるまでの間、特別に私が1曲プレゼントするわ!」// “Until Manamo finishes cooking, I will give you a special present by singing a song!”

眞緒ママはそう言って、マイク片手にステージに上がった。// Mao Mama said, as she went up the stage with a microphone.

「それでは、『ひらがなで恋したい』!!」// “Well then, please listen to “Hiragana de Koi shitai”!”

眞緒ママのその不思議と魅了される歌声に癒されながら、夫婦は昔のことを思い出していた。// As they are being healed by Mao Mama’s unique and fascinating singing voice, the two of them remembered the old days.

「そういえば、貴方は初めは親友の彼氏でしたね。」// “Ah, that’s right, at first you were my best friend’s boyfriend, right?”

妻が微笑む。// The wife smiled.

「でもすぐに別れて…気がついたら、まっすぐで綺麗で優しい、だけどすこし天然なところのある君に惹かれていったんだ。…なんだかこのセンターの子は君に似ているな。」// “But we quickly broke up… Before i realized it, i was attracted to your beauty and kindness, and slight airheadness… For some reason, this girl in the Center is similar to you.”

男性も微笑んで、目を細めてカラオケの映像に映るひらがなで恋したいのライブ映像を見る。// The man smiled as well as he watched the live performance video of Hiragana de Koi shitai playing on screen.

「あら、こんな可愛らしいアイドルと私が似ているだなんて、この子に失礼ですよ。」// “Ara, don’t you think it’s rude to say that i’m similar to an idol this cute?”

妻はコロコロと笑った。// The wife smiled widely.

入店時のどこか気まずそうな空気は消え去り、2人の間には出会った頃のような穏やかな空気で満ちていた。// The awkward atmosphere when the two of them entered the store disappeared and the two of them are filled with gentleness like when they first met.

いつのまにかテーブルの上には2人の好物である様々な菓子パンやお肉が置かれていて、2人は目を丸くする。その様子を見て、眞緒ママとバイトのまなもは顔を見合わせてくすっと笑った。// At some point, their favourite foods such as sweet buns and meat appeared on the table and their eyes bulged in amazement. Seeing that, Mao Mama and part timer Manamo looked at each other and laughed in secret.

そうして2人は、昔のように仲良くスナック眞緒にデートに来るようになったのだった。// From then on, the two would often come to Snack Mao on dates, glowing with friendliness like they used to in their early days together.

Snack Mao continues to be prosperous today ♪

原案:井口眞緒  文:宮田愛萌 Draft: Iguchi Mao Writing: Miyata Manamo

Thanks for reading!

Snack Mao #3


QC SeiEri

Thanks for reading The Story of Snack Mao Episode 3 (Miyata Manamo Blog 10th August 2018)

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